All of our classic Computer Bible Games For Windows XP have been retired! However, our best Computer Bible Games have been ported to Microsoft Small Basic, Visual Basic, Visual C# and Java to help teach game programming to new programming students.  Please check out our Computer Bible Game Programming Tutorials to learn how to develop your own games using the most popular programming languages at our BibleByte Books website located at this link.


Our classic Computer Bible Games were originally published between 1982 and 2012.  The Bible story games in this section use graphic layouts as game boards.  Some of the games require moving a player figure around  a game layout. This movement can be accomplished in two ways: either by the use of the keyboard letters or to move characters with a joystick. The games with movement depend on dexterity and coordination. Other games are games of logic, they require you to out think the computer.   These Bible story games can be enjoyed by all ages, beginning with the ability to read.   The retired 2012 Windows XP Computer Bible Games Series Bundle included the following Bible Games:


The Exodus Game – The Amorites Are Coming! Moses was called of God to lead the Children of Israel (the Israelites) out of Egypt and to the Promised Land (Exodus 3). God did not want His people to live with people whose “iniquity was full” (Genesis 15). The Amorites were one of these nations that had to be defeated in order for the Israelites to possess the land and live godly lives there. In Exodus 23 God said that if the Israelites obeyed Him, He would be an enemy to the Amorites and any other group of people that was an enemy to the Israelites. The purpose of this game is to remind us that we must  resist and fight against sin that is all around us. May we also remember that “the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord” (Romans 6:23).   The object of the game is to move the Israelites across the game board to the Promised Land in the least number of moves and avoid being driven back to the starting position by the Amorites attacking you. This game was re-imagined as a Unity 3D C# Adventure Game Programming Textbook Tutorial and as a new 3D Exodus Vigil Adventure Game for PC & MAC

Moses Rod: Our classic Moses’ Rod Game was re-imagined and re-made into a 3D Computer Bible Adventure Game using Unity 3D C# and Javascript. The new Action RPG Features include:  Combat System,  Skill Tree,  Enemy AI,  Save-Load Game,  Shop System,  Enemy Drop Items,  Weapon Swap Model ,  Skill and Item Database,  Inventory & Equipment System,  Elemental & Abnormal Status System,  Minimap,  NPC Respawn,  Quest System,  Swimming, Character Selection,  Crafting System,  Pet and Summoning Skill,  Dodge Roll System,  Equipment’s Abilities,  Mounting System, Extended Skills, Skill Cooldown,  Blocking Attack,  Falling Damage,  Equipment Type,  Require Arrow/Ammo for some weapons.  You can find out more information on our new Moses Rod 3D Bible Adventure Game here.                                                                          

Daniel and The Lions: Our classic Daniel and The Lions was updated to Microsoft Windows.  Daniel chapter 6 tells us that King Darius threw Daniel into the lions’ den because Daniel was found praying to God which was forbidden by Babylonian law. Because Daniel trusted in God and prayed every day, God closed the mouths of the lions. In this game you are to help protect Daniel from the lions.  The computer will tell you that you must instruct Daniel where to move to keep Daniel away from the lions.  Don’t worry if you lose, God will still protect Daniel. This game now included with the Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens.                                    



Elijah and the Ravens: In 1 Kings 17:1-6, God sends ravens to drop bread for Elijah while he hides from King Ahab. In this game, you will try to catch as many falling loaves of bread as possible to feed Elijah.  God always provides for our needs. This game now included with the Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           


Noah’s Ark: The Turtles Are Coming to Noah’s Ark. Noah was commanded by God to take two of every kind of animal into the ark, as we read in Genesis 6. Chapter 7 adds additional animals if they are clean. Although turtles aren’t named, they very likely were included.  Although this game has ten turtles starting for the ark, and only two reaching it, it isn’t likely that the animals competed to be the chosen two. God guided two of every kind to come to the ark. The purpose of this game, however, is to remember that God has promised never again to flood the world, but He still hates wickedness and wants us to live righteous lives. According to the Bible story, two of every type animal came to the ark. This game now included with the Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens.


THE GOOD SHEPHERD: In Luke 15:1-7, Jesus tells a parable about a lost sheep. The shepherd leaves the 99 sheep to look for the one lost sheep. Once he finds the lost sheep he rejoices! Jesus says, in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance. Are you the lost sheep Jesus is looking for?  Take the shepherd’s staff and carry it through the wilderness to find the lost sheep in the least amount of moves. Hint: Look by a rock. Sheep feel safer around rocks.  This game now included with the Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

THE PRODIGAL SON GAME: In Luke 15:11-32, Jesus tells a parable about a prodigal son who foolishly leaves home and squanders his inheritance in a distant land. After he runs out of money he has to work by feeding pigs. When he comes to his senses he returns home to his father where his father has a large party to celebrate his sons return. No matter how far we wander from God he always welcomes us home and forgives us of our sins. Help the prodigal son find his way home from the distant land all the way back to his father. To help him survive, the prodigal son must find pig feeding jobs  along the way so he can eat and eventually make his way home. This game now included with the Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens.                                                                                                 

THE LOST COIN ADVENTURE: In Luke Chapter 15: 8-10, Jesus tells a parable about a woman who loses a coin. She lights a candle and sweeps her house to find the lost coin. When found, she rejoices! In the same way, “there will be rejoicing in heaven when one sinner repents.” Help find the candle, broom and coin. This game now included with the Textbook Tutorial for kids and teens. 

Computer Bible Games for Microsoft Small Basic


Manna From Heaven: In the wilderness God provided manna as the Israelites’ daily food. In Exodus 16 they were told to go and gather enough manna for each day, except that on the sixth day they were to gather twice as much because the next day was the Sabbath and on the Sabbath they were to rest. The purpose of this game is to try to catch as much manna as you can before the sun sets. It shows us our God’s faithfulness in caring about our daily needs.  The computer will tell you to catch as much manna as you can before the sun sets.  The object of the game is to be the player who catches the most manna before the sun sets and the Sabbath begins. This game has now been retired.                                                                               

Heavenly  Mansions: Jesus told us that we should not let our hearts be troubled because He is preparing a place for us in His Father’s house where there are many mansions (John 14). In the “Heavenly Mansions” game you will look for Jesus’ 12 apostles in these mansions. The game can give us a limited idea of how extensive eternity is.  The object of the game is to find in which rooms the apostles of Jesus are living in the least number of moves. This game has now been been retired.

The Quail Game:  When God  directed Moses to lead the children  of Israel out of Egypt to take them to the promised  land,  they first had to cross the wilderness.   God used the time spent in the wilderness to teach His people that they should depend on Him for all their needs. Since they had been slaves in Egypt for so long, depending on human  masters for their needs, they had a very difficult time learning  to depend on the Lord.  When  the people became hungry in the wilderness they did not think to stop right there and pray to God and ask for food; instead, they complained, “Would to God we had died by the hand of the Lord in the land of Egypt when we did eat bread to the full.” (Exodus 16:.3). In verse 1.3 God sent quail for them to eat. The  object  of the game  is to find  the quails  in the least number of moves. This game has now been retired.


The Church Growth Game: On the day that Jesus ascended into heaven, He said to His disciples, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature” (Mark 16:15). Jesus had established a group of followers who accepted  Him  as their  Lord  and Savior and He called them His witnesses in the world so that more would accept Him as their Savior and become a part of His church.  The book of Acts tells the story of how the church  grew during  the  first  century.  Acts 2:47 says, “And  the  Lord added  to the church  daily such as should  be saved.” This game has now been retired.


The Rapture Game: Jesus promised that He would come again to take us to be with Him in His Father’s House (John 14). This is called “The Rapture,” when the Lord Jesus Christ returns and takes those who have believed on Him, both dead and living; to be with Him. “The Rapture Game” is a reminder of both the hope of Christ’s corning again for those who believe on Him and the duty He left with us of witnessing. This game has now been retired.